Thursday 21 June 2012

The Shamanic Origins of Trance n' Metal Tribal Chants#1

Football and Music are one.

As a football fan we will quite happily sing crap songs, because they are catchy, we know them and because they mostly involve subversiveness and swearing. That's aMash Up if ever I heard one!

This is a movement. Mashup artists, in their myriad forms, crossing all genres and digital mediums are rewriting the history of the world. It is simply the oldest of traditions, story telling which was an oral cut and paste job. Mashups are the ultimate expression of our age. We are doing exactly the same as our ancestors, borrowing from them to pass to the next generation. We are taking our traditions and merging them. It is based on love and laughter. That is real power. It is also a power than can be abused.*

Mash up artists take the control away from the Simon Cowellbeasts of the world. In football, through the power of song we can speak out against the televisual censors - their voices heard above the money, the managers, the commentators and even the players; all paid up members of the Gate Keeping Society. In the internet age, it is The People that hold the power and are beginning to hold the world accountable. The voices of true genius and true talent become harder to silence, but with this power comes great responsibility. As much as artists are there to entertain, they are also there to tell a story.

That is the essence of rhythm, it is what unites, not divides us. It is communication in it's purest. To experience life truly is to experience the flavours and textures of the wave forms that surround us.

Now whilst, Rhythm may unite us that doesn't mean music and football rivalry can't be fun. We can fight each other without the mass bloodshed. Although I hear Shamans often dance until they get a nose bleed. Many Metal and Trance fans follow this tradition as History shows us:
When entering a trance, shamans often bleed from their nose and experience excruciating physical pain. The shamans’ arms stretch behind them as the transformation into the spirit world takes place. Scholars believe that the trance dance serves as the foundation for rock art, and clear corollaries between cave images and trance ceremonies appear in the Drakensberg cave paintings. These ancient images offer a record into ages past. [Bushman and San Paintings in the Drakensberg - South Africa
At every rave I have ever been to there has always been a Metal fan wasted in one way or another. Trance and Metal are Tribal Gatherings, places where barriers fall. It could have been the whole Ecstasy Generation, Nirvana, Oasis, youth culture. It doesn't matter because musical barriers fell. It created a sense of oneness with each other. We recognised Tribal Rhythms.

This explains why the 'Zilla is a Trance and Rock/Metalhead [which sounds like a cracking conspiracy if ever I heard one]. If you doubt the power of Rock Rhythm, then consider the improbable theory (based on models) that would have to exist to explain how evolution had rockers capable of listening to a 15 minute guitar solo? Whilst you hear a fiddley self indulgent wank I'm bouncing along nicely to the bass sporting a nosebleed. I'm not in this world I am @theBleedingNoseShelter where those Mystical Lines of Power have me held in a trance. Where was I? Oh yeah...Music and Football

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