Saturday 17 September 2011

Why I Hate Mash-Ups #3 Justin Bieber

Currently trending on Twitter is JUSTIN BIEBER FOR PRESIDENT. 

Not it appears because Beliebers think this sucker of Satan's scaly pecker should run against the likes of Michele Bachman, but because they can. This kind of mindset can lead to unimaginable suffering for the world and me in particular. However, this mindset is also what is going to enable me to take over the planet in my bid to ban Tuesday's, so whilst I am disgusted I see the glass as half full. 

There is always a glimmer of hope, except when it comes to mash-up's like this one between the obnoxious little twat Justin Bieber and Slipknot. Making me like any effluent from Bieber is not acceptable. Like ever! 

I have no idea who made this mash-up but whoever you are shame on you. [MP3]

Update 1: Thanks to Bootie I now know that Isosine is the object of my hate. I will now need to listen to more of his stuff. Know thy enemy as they say ;)

Update 2: Corey from Slipknot talking about Psychosocial Baby. I am concerned that he is not terrified of Bieber. I must educate him or he may have to suffer in my eternal Earthly Hell (I will play Bieber's album and Rebecca Black back-to-back for 666 days).

1 comment:

GingerZilla said...

Trend to make the world a better place or because they are so sad they want to inflict everyone else with the disease they are afflicted with? You decide ;)