Just do yourself a favour and listen to this Mash-Up. Titled Imagine This 'sung' by none other than The Zealous Fanatical Chimp in the Whitehouse (a.k.a. George Dubbya Bush). It's a delightful mash up of Imagine and "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" by John Lennon with cut speeches by the leader of the serf world. Yoko Ono even approves of this (I'm being serious here).The video is below:
I'd also recommend listening to WIPED OFF THE MAP which a year on is more apt than ever since the media are intent on us commiting mass genocide on another nation in the name of Operation Iranian Liberation.
Both tracks are by Wax Audio a Mash-Up artist who does a cracking mix of political stuff such as these examples and downright party mixes that are just amazing (Maiden Goes to Hollywood being an epic). At first you are incredulous at the absurdity and audacity but then it kicks in and you have a stupid grin creep up your face.
Anyway back to Iran, I'll leave it to Wax Audio to sum up:
'On October 26th, 2005, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad quoted the late Ayatollah Khomeini's statement: "this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time", a comment that was immediately seized upon by the western media and wrongly translated as "Israel should be wiped off the map". Before long the story became everything from Iran is "the most dangerous country in the world " to "Ahmadinejad is the worst tyrant since Hitler " who plans to "kill every Jew in the Middle East" and "wipe Israel ...and frankly the United States off the map". And if all that ain't enough to get you behind Bush's plans to start yet another war, it seems that all this was prophesised in Ezekiel: 38 - "raining upon the enemies of Israel the fire and brimstone from Heaven".
News to you? Tune in and see what you've been missing . The track closes with the lonely voice of George Galloway MP, setting the record straight. Read more here.'
Maria Brink wants to be your whore
Maria Brink sings 'I can be your Whore' a few times to Chris Motionless in
what is actually quite a catchy pop metal track.
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